We Put the "i" in Moni
& Give You More
We Put the "i" in Moni
& Give You More
Promote your Company 5 Different Ways
and get a 5-in-1 Media Advantage
Discovery Engagement Choices & More
For Every Facet of Your Day
Achieve Increased Purchasing Power
in Every Transaction
1. We Change the Nature of Moni.
Instead of a sign of wealth, it creates wealth as you use it @ MoniPlus
2. We Change the Business Model of Moni.
Instead of Transaction Fees, we promote and reward People Places & Community in every transaction @ MoniPlus
3. We are not Crypto, Blockchain, Fintech of Banking as a Service - We are 21st Century Moni.
4. The Fast Blockchain is only 1/3 the New Solution. We add a Value Layer to Create the MoniStream to deliver MoniPlus. then go on to reinvent and substantially expand every Moni Business Model, Platform & Application Set.
5. We fully integrate 3 Industry Sets - Advertising, Social and Moni to create new Applications and deliver whole new capabilities for Moni Services. Its now Discovery Engagement, Choices and More across 16 Markets for every facet of your day. No Boundaries Services
6. The Moni Model is now a whole lot bigger, its Revenue Stream is robust and flourishes. Its A Better Way.
7. We Reinvent Privacy
We create the Public & Private Spheres and introduce U-Own It, U-Control It & U-Monetize It @ Moni-ID.
8. We Change how Moni is Serviced.
We partner with those who use Moni the most and can service it best @ MoniCenter
9. We introduce a Universal Brand
We are designed to threaten no one and compliment everyone with any Currency @ MoniCoin
10. Expanded Participation % Engagement
MoniPlus Services with Direct+ Benefits creates new expanded outreach for the Un-Banked @ MoniPlus
11. No Boundaries Global Reach.
Direct Cross Country Wallet-to-Wallet transfers with w/Currency Exchange and ZeroPlus Fees @ MoniExpress
12. We Create the MoniStream.
A new Value Layer with Discovery, Engagement, Choices & More for Every Facet of Your Day across 16 Market Sectors @ MoniPlus
13. Full Media Promotion Model
A 5-in-1 Media Advantage with 5X PromoMatrix increasing Presence, Reach & Coverage: Print Internet Mobile Beacon @ GoMainSt - Coast to Coast USA.
14. New MoniServices boosting Real Markets.
Full DeFi Crowd Lending & Funding for Enterprises Large to Small. Focused Markets, Industries and Sectors with expanded and dynamic Market Participation across All 5 MoniSources @ MoniCenter / MoniTrade
15. A new Trade Currency - Moni.Gold
When Mining creates Real Digital Value
1,000 per OZ w/Premium Vault Exchanges @ Moni.Gold
16. New Standards for Digital Age - MoniTokens
Defined Industry standards for 3 Digital Tokens for Currency, Assets and Trade @ MoniToken, MoniAsset & MoniMarket
17. MoniTrust Country CBCD /w Sovereign Plus
Expanded currency with PEER index: People, Ecology, Economy & Resources. Integrated real dynamics of Social, Market, Industry, Sector & Trade with Market Affinity. Defined Public/Private Sphere to ensure Privacy @ MoniTrust
18. WonWorld.Org
To Reinforce our New Central Banking Model. We will now work with Countries to maximize their Health & Prosperity. Information, Knowledge and Innovation is accelerating. We intend to spearhead these new capabilities to each countries advantage based upon their own specific needs - Early Adoption to New Proven Solutions & Economies - WORK.
This is the end of Globalism, as a result its tool the UN is Obsolete. Its not about "Inclusion" its about "Participation". The 21st Century is not a New One World Order - Centralized Control with Own Nothing & Be Happy - a return to Feudalism: Kings, Lords & Serfs, its Sovereign Plus. We even Reinvent Privacy with a Public/Private Sphere - U Own & It U Control It. Its Health & Prosperity is for EVERYONE. A Better Future.
If you look at the last 2,000 years of Humanity. 90% of innovation and prosperity occurred in the last 100 years. We do not need to revert back, we need to double down on what we are doing. The existing systems work, we just need to reboot them for the 21st Century and expand upon them. The new accelerated levels of innovation dynamics make all of this very manageable and very real. We just need to Focus and Make it Happen. We owe this to Ourselves and HUMANITY.
Our Goal working with the Central Banks makes this ACHIEVABLE & DOABLE. All you need is a PLAN . Its All for a Better tomorrow.
Faith in Every Step - GodSpeed!
1st Market Social
Discovery Engagement Choices & More
The Value Layer
Advertising - Social - Money
A Universal Brand
Local Currency Plus +
No Boundaries
Moni Expanded Services
Anywhere Anytime Anyone
Wallet-2-Wallet w/ Currency Exchange
MTO Markets
MoniStocks - Prime, Venture & Retail
New Trading Currency
1000 Gold Oz @ Premium Vaults
CBCD Sovereign Plus
Currency PEER Index w/Market Affinity
New Industry Standard
Moni - Assets - Trade
We Put the ‘I” in Moni & Give You More
Rather than a Sign of Wealth, It Increases Wealth as You Use It
We change the Business Model of Money, instead of Transaction Fees, we Promote & Reward People Places & Community
We make spending CASH or using a CREDIT CARD a BAD DEAL
Prosperity is for Everyone
The 1stMarketSocial
A New Type of Shopping
Discovery Engagement Choices & More
For Every Facet of Your Day
5-in-1 Media Advantage
Print – Internet – Mobile – Beacon – MoniPlus
CitiLife PocketPlus @ 5X PromoMatrix
Wuts New! Wuts Hot! Wuts a Deal! Weekly & Life Events
MarketStream @ 14 Market Sectors
CitiLife | Auto | Dining | Home |Medical | Pro | Wealth
Travel | Retail | Holiday | Education | Charity | Faith | Civics
Partnered with 101 Premium Grocery Chains & Pharmacies
101 Metros/2,345 Cities @ 14,300 Locations
Market Capture Coast to Coast USA
Retail Accept Paymentt
A New Medium of Exchange
Universal Brand | MoniToken | 100% Fully Backed
MoniCoin - Moni-ID - MoniAds - MoniPromos - MoniPoints - ZeroPlus Fees
Local Currency: Payments, Transfers, Exchange, Escrow
Increased Purchasing Power In Every Transaction
$100 ===> $120 - $140 - $160 - $180 - $200
We Threaten No One & Compliment Everyone
A New Medium of Exchange
The MoniStream
MoniPlus Card
Easy Load, No Fees, No Charges, Easy Pay
Payments Transfers Exchange Escrow
Non-Visa | Non-Mastercard
Free Biometrics
Privacy Reinvented
Private | Anonymous | Royalty | Sale
U-Own It | U Control It | U-Personalize | U-Monetize
Public & Private Sphere
No Boundaries
Anyone – Anywhere - AnyTime
Send – Receive – Gift - Escrow
Free Currency Exchange
Wallet to Wallet
Local to Global
Service with No Boundaries
Advertising, Messaging, Commerce, Payments, Express, Shopping, Plus
Personal | People | Merchants | Business | Govt | Community | Int'l
Lending, Trading, Funding, Exchanging, Transferring
MoniLoad | MoniSwap | MoniEscrow | MoniTokens
Prosperity is for Everyone
Trade for Today
Currencies – Stocks – Cryptos - Commodities - Funds
Safe Secure & Convenient
MTO Exchange
Trading Currency
Value | Commerce | Exchange | Liquidity
When Mining Creates Real Digital Value
Certified Premium Vaults
Equity | Assets | Currency
MarketTokens, ValueTokens, MoniTokens
Create Monetize Manage & Trade
New Industry Standard
Sovereign Plus +
MoniPreserve: Reserves & Exchange
MoniCore: MoniPrime, MoniMarket, MoniSocial, MoniSwift
PEER Index: People, Ecology, Economy & Nat'l Resources
Market Affinity | Al-Plus
Public & Private Sphere
Opportunity & Prosperity
Social, Education, Nutrition, Healthcare, Housing, Industry, Economy Trade, Infrastructure & Natural Resources.
Abundance Index | Country Planning
Sovereign Plus
We deliver you more choices for every facet of your day across 14 market sectors. Spot, Save, Share-w-Friends n Click to Buy.
. We increase your Purchasing Power in Every Transaction. MoniPlus w/MoniPromos & MoniPoints. We Promote Places and Reward Users
Smart Shopping for Every Facet of your day
People Places and Community
Advertising Social Money
Value Added Commerce with Global Reach.
No Fees No Charges
1st Non-Visa Non Mastercard
Anywhere - Anytime - Anyone
Transfers - Exchange - Escrow
No Boundaries MoniServices
Safe Secure and Convenient.
MoniStock Markets
From Big to Small Enterprises
1st Trade Currency
1000 per OZ @ Premium Vault Exchange
New Central Bank
Peer Index, Market Affinity, Sovereign Plus
New Industry Standard
Create, Monetize Trade & Manage
Ground Floor
6 Value Bumps over 18 Months
Pre-Launch for National USA
Raising $20-30 Million
US Market Capture
Nat'l Launch - Coast to Coast
102 Metros / 2,345 Cities @ 14K Locations
$300 Million Revenue
Market Cap
Crypto Exchanges
Safe, Convenience & Secure
$10 Billion Value
Money Advertsiing & Social
SmartMoni - MoniAds - MarketSocial
of GoMainSt PocketPlus USA - Coast to Coast - 100 Metros/2,345 Cities All Month Long
Tag 785 Nat'l Retail, Restaurant & Service Chains, 3,00 Online Commerce Sites/Key Merchant Partners
New Nat'l Ad Network. Coverage in 108 Metros / 2,345 Cities & 14,000 Locations
Rapidly Expand USA Country Model to Each Country with Local Partners
$234 Million Revenue & $XXBillion Market Cap in Exchanges - Global Capture
Funding for Build-Out & US Nat'l Launch
$1 Million Private & 1st Round $20 Million
SmartMoni Live - GoMainSt w/StreetTalk, MoniCoin, MoniPlus, MoniExpress, MoniCenter, MoniTrade, & MoniTokens
United States
Nat'l USA Launch of 1st MarketSocial w/5-in-Media Advantage
101 Metros/2,135 Cities w/98 Grocery Chains @13,400 Locations
United States
United States
US Market established, expansion to SE Asia Australia etc. Pursuing No Boundaries Moni Services & CBCD MoniTrust w/ Market Affinity and Sove...
United States
Value of SmartMoni on Market Exchanges
$XX Billion
Orlando, Fla | Johor, Singapore | Cebu, Philippines | Team@SmartMoni.com
Monday - Friday: 8am to 8pm
Saturday - 9am to 5pm